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Preventing Tearing During Birth

Writer's picture: thefitpelvisthefitpelvis

One of the worries I hear from Moms during pregnancy is that they don’t want to tear during birth. There are some important risk factors that increase the risk of tearing and the perineal body length is one important piece that’s very changeable. This might sound complicated, but I’ll keep it simple!

What is the Perineal Body?

The perineal body is a small area of tissue and muscle between the vagina and anus. It plays an important role in supporting your pelvic floor. During birth, this area stretches a lot as the baby moves through the birth canal. If it’s not flexible enough or has a shorter length, there’s a higher risk of greater tearing. 

How Can You Measure Perineal Body Length?

Pelvic health physical therapists can measure your perineal body length. This helps us understand if your perineal area has enough flexibility for birth. If the length is shorter, we will want to work on stretching and relaxing the area to help it better handle the demands of birth. Getting an assessment by 20 weeks of pregnancy gives you plenty of time to make changes. 

What If I Have a Shorter Perineal Body?

If we find that your perineal body is on the shorter side, don’t worry! These exercises can help stretch and prepare it. Regular sessions with a pelvic health PT can make a big difference, and we’ll work together to make sure you feel prepared.

How Can You Prepare the Perineal Body?

Here are some exercises and techniques we use at The Fit Pelvis to help your perineal body stretch more easily:

1. Perineal Massage or Mobilization: This is a gentle massage technique you (or a partner) can do. Around six weeks before your due date, you can begin massaging the perineal area to help it become more flexible. This involves gently pressing down and to the sides to stretch the tissues.

2. Pelvic Floor Relaxation: It’s not always about tightening (or doing Kegels) but actually relaxing your pelvic muscles. Deep breathing exercises and learning to soften your pelvic area can help you relax during birth, making it easier for the perineal body to stretch.

3. Hip mobility: Exercises such as yoga, squats, hip rocking on the ball can help improve the mobility of the tissues around the pelvic floor and ease pelvic floor tension. They also help you create space for the baby to move and get into a more optimal birth position.

Let’s Get Ready for Birth Together!

At The Fit Pelvis, our goal is to help you feel strong and confident going into birth. While tearing can still happen, preparing your perineal body and learning these techniques can help lower the chances of grade 3 and 4 tears and make birth a smoother experience. If you’d like to learn more about preparing for birth, reach out to us. We’re here to support you every step of the way!


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